Rubric – Rubrics provided criterion/level based advanced grading option. There is a set maximum grade that can be broken down first by criterion then by how many points that criterion is worth. For example, for a writing assignment worth 25 points overall you may decide that spelling is worth 10 points. You could break this down in numerous ways. You could have increments of 2 points which would result in 5 possible levels for that one criterion, or you could have only two levels which would indicate the student would receive either all or none of the points available for that criterion. To sum it up, the point system is FIXED with a rubric.
Marking Guide – Marking guides are structured similarly to rubrics with one key difference. Marking guides only establish a maximum point value per criterion. This allows the grader to provide a score up to the maximum which allows for more subjective grading. For example, for an assignment spelling is worth a maximum of 10 points. The grader will then have an option to place a number 0 – 10 for that given criterion.
**Visit Moodle Help website for more information about each advance grading type by selecting Rubric or Marking Guide in the descriptions above**
- When creating an assignment, adjust the grading method in the “grade” block to either marking guide or rubric.
- Save and display your assignment.
- When inside your assignment, select “advanced grading”. You will then select to define new grading form from scratch if you want to build your own rubric. You can also select from a template if you would like to browse some generic templates created by other faculty on campus.
- If building from scratch, name your rubric and provide a description if necessary. At this time you will start to build your elements in your rubric.
- You can have multiple criterion for your rubric. You are not required to have the same amount of levels per criterion. For example, you may have three possible scores for a criterion in spelling but for content you may decide to have 5 different score levels. This is completely at your discretion.
Marking Guide Criterion: - Once completing the rubric, select “save rubric and make it ready” to apply it to your assignment, or select “save marking guide and make it ready.”
Rubric Example:
Marking Guide:
- Please note, you are able to update a rubric or marking guide by repeating steps 1-3 to open the advancing grading editor. You are also able to give direct feedback to the students for the criterion in addition to providing a score for both the marking guide and rubric. **
Sample Marking Guide: