Advanced discussion forums are now available with a few extra features for forum behaviors. The settings for the forum setup are exactly the same as your standard forum but with one extra set of options.

1. Turn editing on in your course.

2. Add activity or resource.

3. Select Advanced Forum at the top of the list.

4. Add details for forum name and description. The description usually contains the forum instructions, deadlines, and writing prompt. 

**Note – you have the ability to show recent posts on course page. I would recommend NOT allowing this to show as it will take up a lot of space on the main course page. 

5. The next section is titled “Post Options”. This contains the advanced features.

  • Allow marking as substantive: if enabled this feature allows instructors to flag posts that have a substantive value. 
  • Allow post bookmarking: If enabled, forums posts can be bookmarked. 
  • Allow private replies: With this feature, instructors can send a private reply to a forum post. This reply is only viewable by the student that made the original post or reply and invisible to the rest of the students.
  • Allow anonymous posting: If checked, then the author's name for each post will be suppressed when viewing the forum.
  • Display word count: This setting specifies whether the word count of each post should be displayed or not.

6. Adjust remaining settings to your preference, i.e.) allowing attachments, ratings, and grouping. 

7. Click Save and return to course.

Advanced Settings - More Info

1. The view looks a bit different in advanced forums than our standard discussion areas. Users with Moodle profile photos will be displayed as large icons. Click here to learn how to change your Moodle photo