Posting to a Discussion Forum
1. Select the discussion forum from your class page. It is designated by two speech bubbles (see the screenshot below). There are multiple styles of forums. The most traditional forum will ask you to “Add a new discussion topic” in response to a question posted by your instructor.
2. To start your response, select the “Add a new discussion topic” button.
3. You will be brought to a text entry page. You must provide a subject and message for your post. The subject can be the name of the discussion forum, your name, or even something to suggest what you have written in your post. Check your forum instructions for post requirements set by your instructor.
4. After composing your subject and message, click "Advanced" for additional options before submitting.
Once the Advanced page loads, you have the ability to subscribe to notifications from the forum. If you do not want updates from the discussion, you will need to uncheck this box. Otherwise, keep the box checked to receive notifications of new posts. Click here to learn more about managing notifications in Moodle.
Also, you have the ability to attach a file to your forum post. This could include a document, image, or even a short video. **Please note – the maximum file size for any uploads in Moodle is 64MB. If your file is larger, you will need to upload to a sharing service and provide a URL to the attachment in your original post.**
5. Once you have verified your submission is correct, select "Post to Forum".
6. After posting, you will have 15 minutes to make any corrections to your post. This includes modifying the message, correcting typos, or even adding/deleting attachments. Once the 15 minutes have passed, you will no longer be able to update your post.
7. To edit your post before the 30 minutes are up, select the name of your post. On the right hand side, you will see the option to edit, delete, or reply. Selecting edit will bring you back to the previous screens so you can make adjustments. Once completed, select "Save Changes".
Replying to a Discussion Forum
1. To reply to a post on a forum, select the discussion topic of a classmate.
2. After reading your classmate's post, select "Reply" on the far right hand side.

If you have questions or run into issues with Moodle discussion forums, submit a Help Desk ticket to [email protected].