Create a Turnitin Assignment

  1. In your course, click on Create learning activity at the bottom of the section.

2. In either the All or Activities tab, select Turnitin Assignment 2.

Activity chooser with Turnitin Assignment 2 highlighted


3. Select settings for your assignment.

4. Click Save and return to course to return to your course page. To continue setting up your assignment, click Save and display or reenter the assignment from your course page.

5. You can change any of the dates you previously set in this view. The Grades Available column shows the maximum grade for the assignment. When creating a Turnitin assignment, a grade item will automatically be created in the Gradebook. Be sure to go into the gradebook to ensure it is weighted properly and in the correct category if applicable.

changing the date fields in an assignment
NOTE: If you want to sync the assignment immediately with the Moodle gradebook, click Refresh Submissions.

turnitin refresh button above the submissions list