Note: If your picture is unclear or if there are multiple people in the picture, it will not be approved for an Oakard.
For best results, follow the photo tips below:
- Upload a recent photo of you, no more than 6 months old.
- Make sure your photo is a clear image of your face. Remember, photo filters are good for social media but not for your Oakard photo.
- Have someone else take your photos. Selfies might be too close for the upload feature in myLSUA.
- Face the camera directly with your full face in view.
- Use a plain white or off-white background.
Once you have your photo ready, follow the steps below to change your profile picture in myLSUA.
1. Login to myLSUA at
2. Next, click the down arrow next to the image icon in the upper right corner and select Profile.
3. On your profile page, click Change Picture.
4. Next, click Select a Picture. A window will display asking you to browse your computer for your photo. Select your photo and click Open.
5. On the next page, drag the red squares in the corner of your photo to resize it to fit in the red frame.
When you are finished resizing your photo, make sure Send to the Oakard Office to use on your OaKard is checked, then click Crop and Save.
6. You're all set!