How To Setup Your Exam with MonitorEdu

LSUA Faculty visit the following link to setup an exam with Mobile Proctor:

SELECT LSU of Alexandria from the List of Schools - then a Jot Form will open and ask the following: 

On the web form there are 14 questions. See below for guidance with these questions.

  • Name: Enter your full name.
  • Email: Enter your LSUA email address.
  • Name of School/client: Type LSU of Alexandria
  • Exam Name: Please put your course number and test name (i.e. MATH 1021 Test 2, or PHSC 1001, Final Exam). 
  • Exam start date and time/Exam end date and time: Indicate here the Exam available dates/times. When will you test be available for students to take (i.e. 9/30/2020 8:00am – 10/2/2020 11:00pm central time). 
  • Timezone: Be sure to include time zone. 
  • Exam Length: Provide an amount of time allowed to complete the exam. 
  • Estimate # who will use MonitorEdu: In this field, type your estimated number who will use MobileProctor. If you are offering both ProctorU and MobileProctor Options, I would say ¾ will choose MobileProctor for less expensive option. 
  • Exam link/instructions to access exam: For this section indicate where the exam will be: Moodle ( and/or Connect ( or whatever your exam site is. Also in this section include your exam password. You password should be 10-12 numbers. The proctors will read the password to the student and make sure they are not writing it down. 
  • Exam Codes/Password:  Include the exam code/password here
  • Extra Notes About the Exam:  Anything else we should know? In this section, include any resources students can have: calculators, scratch paper, note cards, books, etc. 
  • Who should we contact: For this section, indicate a phone number you can be reached at as well as the times you are willing to be contacted (i.e. 8:00am – 9:00pm central time). 
  • Want to Schedule more than 1 Exam?

After submitting your exam request, you will receive an email with the details of your request. 

Please allow up to 24 hours for a confirmation email that your exam has been processed. 

Note: Once your exam is set, please share the MonitorEDU Student Guide (link below) with students. This guide will show students how to pay for their exam, test their equipment, and start their exam.

Update as of May 2024:  MonitorEdu now requires students to use Google Meet to share their screen.  The instructions are listed on the MonitorEdu Student Guide.


If you have any questions/concerns, email [email protected]..